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Divoom Brand

Divoom At Appliance House


Divoom Brand


Divoom was launched in 2006 in Shenzhen, China by a team of music enthusiasts.

In 2015 they launched the worlds first art pixel speaker and have continued to create innovative speaker systems and pixel art frames for all music and gadget lovers!

They've launched a variety of pixel art gadgets both with and without speakers over the years. The software developers and designers at Divoom continue to create unique audio products with the wow factor, each designed to enrich and bring extra fun to everyday life. 

Divoom Pixel Art Frames & Speakers.


You can expect superior quality when you choose a Divoom LED speaker. With customizable pixel art displays and a whole gallery of pre loaded images, the options for creativity are endless.

Within the Divoom app you have helpful drawing tools to create your own pixel art pictures, animations and scrolling text messages. Once you download the app you'll join the Divoom community; a place where you can access pixel art galleries, share images and interact with other pixel artists all over the world.

Divoom customizable pixel art display frames and speakers are a fun, quirky addition to any home, gaming room or office! 

Free Delivery On Divoom Pixel Art Speakers.


We're delighted to offer free delivery to our customers on all orders exceeding £30 within mainland UK.

This means, when you buy a Divoom Pixel Art Speaker or Digital Frame from Appliance House, it will be eligible for free delivery via our fast and efficient courier service!

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